Cut | | February 02, 2017

‘The Year of Innovation’ was the Government resolution for 2k16 coined by Malcom Turnbull.

Like all resolutions, we pushed it to the back of our minds. It’s now 2017 and we’re still sleeping and after the recent innovate release of the ‘Sushi Kit Kat’ we have no chance to be a global player.

We had the Sushi, we had the Kit Kats, but unfortunately we didn’t have the innovation. Sorry Australia, but Japan has once again beat us…




Kit Kat Japan even already teased us with the idea as an April Fool’s Day joke.

Kit Kat Australia never picked up on the blatant hint, so now if you want a taste if the “Kit Kat Sushi” you will have to grab a flight to Tokyo between February 2 to 4. Thats if you want to spend over ¥3000 JPY (approximately $34 AUD) on the sushi as well.

We also figured you probably would rather spend your money not an overpriced seaweed covered chocolate, so we found a tutorial for you — enjoy the taste of Australia failing once again.