Cut | | March 15, 2017

It’s hard living with people and with baby boomer landlords everywhere literally raking it in (f**k negative gearing), it’s your only option.


Pickiness notwithstanding, everyone has to have some kind of criteria for the ideal FM. Maybe it’s not Think of flat mate interviews in the same category as job interviews and dates. After all, they will either become your new drinking buddy, or the reason you drink.


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JJJ kindly put together the original list which we’re relaying, punctuated with GIFs for your viewing pleasure.


Let’s get down to business.


1) Do you believe tomato sauce goes in the fridge?

2) What do you do with your toenail clippings?

3) How likely are you to come home drunk and instigate some unsolicited biznezz?

4) Are you partial to cats OR dogs? (both is an invalid answer)


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5) Are you averse to crunchy Peanut Butter? 

6) Do you sing a lot around the house? Would people who know you say the same?

7) Do undie runs fly with you?

8) Are you vegan/vegetarian/pescetarian/gluten-free?

9) What’s your best party trick?


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10) Do you intend to eat in your bedroom? 

11) Do you think the Matrix is real?


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12) On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate Kanye West? (1

13) How many nights can your partner sleep here/month before they pay rent?

14) Can you guarantee you’ll only have sex in your room?

15) How long will you let your dishes sit in the sink before you wash them?

16) How likely are you to share your beer with me?


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17) How much do you identify with the following statement:
      I have my personal finances in check and will $$$$ on time

18) On average, how long do you spend in the bathroom?

19) On the following diagram, circle which way you fold the toilet paper


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**We take no responsibility for 100% deceptive prospective flatmates in which case you find yourself with a bogus co-renter