Cut | | March 14, 2017

Since it seems we can’t go five minutes without checking our phone, the Government may be looking into obliterating your phone use while driving all together.


With mobile phone distraction labelled as one of the leading causes of road fatalities, ahead of speeding and drink- and drug-driving, the Government is under pressure to lock all our phones away like that angry Math teach you had.


With the pressure on them to reduce the numbers of drivers using their phones while behind the wheel, they are looking to turn to phone-disabling software.


Lachlan McIntosh, the head of the Australian College of Road Safety, explains the technology will see your phone disabled when connected to the cars Bluetooth.


“There is a range of other devices — a bit like alcohol interlocks. So, the phone providers, the phone manufacturers and the car manufacturers are capable of doing it.” 

“I think instead of just blaming the driver we should do more than that … It is about having a sensible conversation with the telcos, with the car companies, so that the driver can’t see the text messages, they don’t receive them.”


Could this be the end of sneaky snaps of funny license plates?



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