Cut | | March 13, 2017


There are somethings that aren’t meant to be paired together, like Coopers Brewery collaborating with the Bible Society in hope of “reaching even more Australians with God’s word”.


Yes, unfortunately you heard that right.


The collaboration features a video of Liberal MPs Andrew Hastie and Tim Wilson having a ‘light’ discussion over the very deep issue of marriage equality.


Matt Andrews, the “Bible-reading Christian” that favours “traditional marriage” leads the debate, bringing the video to a close by toasting to the Bible Society, “keeping it light for 200 years”.


“Bible Society Australia has teamed up with Coopers Premium Light to ask Australians to try ‘Keeping it Light’ – a creative campaign to reach even more Australians with God’s word.”



Coopers limited edition Premium Light beer for Bible Society’s 200th birthday.


We know what you’re thinking, why the hell would Coopers have such a backwards campaign. Well to tell you the truth, we have no fucking clue.


Sounding remarkably like your Uncle at Christmas when he’s downed too many beers, the team at Cooper’s just don’t make sense. Backtracking on their original statement of being involved in the “Keeping It Light” video, the brewery is now saying they weren’t involved.


We want you to know that Coopers did not give permission for our Premium Light beer to feature in, or ‘sponsor’ the Bible Society’s ‘Keeping it Light’ video featuring Andrew Hastie and Tim Wilson.


Sounds a bit suss right?


Another piece of Coopers history that also can’t be ignored is their recurring, substantial donations to the South Australian Liberal Party — a political party known for sweeping the issue of marriage equality aside to uphold their traditional viewpoint.




While Coopers have been long known to support the LNP financially, their recent collaboration with The Bible Society has the nation crying of “fuck this, pass me a VB” with a #boycottcoopers movement.

The Old Bar, a Fitzroy favourite drinking hole and known stockist of the Coopers brand, were one of the first to ditch Coopers products.



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The partnership and ‘Keeping It Light’ campaign all started with Coopers Brewery producing 10,000 cases of limited edition Premium Light beer featuring a happy birthday message and Bible verses on the carton packaging.


Idk about you but the taste of inequality ain’t all the great.



Will you drink Coopers after this?

Hell no.

Quotes To Know